Surprise! The time has come for me to make my last post here on
That's because.... I moved over to! Come join me over there! This change has been in the works for a long, long time so I'm really excited about this... especially because I learned to build the site myself! (I'll tell you all about that soon.)
I had some help from my friend Shelley- she designed the new header, pictures, and button. She's awesome, can customize anything, and she's VERY affordable.
I wanted to give you all access to more: like the Savvy Sister Coupon Database- it's super cool and I'll show you how it works in an upcoming tutorial. You can search for any coupon out there, eCoupons, Magazine coupons, Newspaper coupons, Printable coupons!
If you were already a subscriber through the RSS feeds, you have moved with me! If you haven't subscribed yet, head on over the and click the orange button with white stripes.
You can now sign up for e-mail updates as well! See you in a 'click'!
I just checked on the status of the FREE photo magnet from Kodak and the good news is that it's still available! Now that the weather is warming up, it's a fun time to think about Easter, Mother's Day and lots of birthdays coming up in our family this spring.
I think I've mentioned this before, but this would be a perfect gift for grandmothers! Just load a picture of the cutest grandkids in the world onto the Kodak site and order your FREE magnet. Shipping for your magnet will be just $1.00- nice!
I can't help but notice the cute girls swimsuits on sale at Zulily today! The new items in are from "Pink Platinum" and all girls swimsuits are just $9.99-$11.99! Pictured above are just 2 examples of the cuteness you'll find there. Sign into your Zulily account to see all of them.
It's almost swimsuit season, right? Better be prepared and grab these awesome sale prices while you can!
WOW! Today's the day to ask your friends to PU-LEASE sign up for Plum District! Invite 4 friends to sign up for Plum District (they'll get their e-mail updates and can unsubscribe at any time) and you get a $20 Target Gift Card! Like I said, WOW! Spread the word!
Tell your friends to invite their friends and they get a $20 Target Gift Card, too!
WOW! This is a cool book! I know, because I ordered one for my daughter a few days ago (it's now safely hiding away for birthday time) and she's going to LOVE it! Check out the price: $7.17, regularly $34.85!
The official title is: Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book: Based on the Film Phenomenon and you can order yours at Amazon. Amazon prices are known to change on a dime, so grab one for your family at this amazingly low price before the price goes up.
Don't forget the FREE shipping when you sign up for Amazon Mom or on all orders at Amazon of $25. With Amazon Mom, you get 3 months of FREE shipping on anything on and an additional month of FREE shipping everytime you order $25 in the Amazon Baby Store, up to one year!
There are actually 4 ways to get FREE shipping on
Amazon Prime Amazon Mom Subscribe and Save Free Super Saver Shipping on select orders over $25
Check them out and choose a FREE shipping option that works best for you!
Get a FREE sample Clean & Clear Morning Burst Body Wash! Just text BODY to 467467 and answer the questions that follow.
I checked this out with Clean & Clear on Facebook and it's legit! Be aware that it may take several text messages to get this FREEbie and standard text rates apply.
This ad is for the Dallas/Fort Worth Kroger stores. These stores triple coupons up to 39 cents value and double coupons up to 50 cents value. They will double/triple 3-like coupons per transaction. I post only the best coupon deals/sales available!
Boneless Top Sirloin Steak $2.99/lb.!
Bar-S Meat Franks 16 oz. $1.00 Use $1/2 RP 1/30 Final price: 50 cents each!
Zatarain's Rice Mix 5.7-8 oz. $1.00 Use $1/3 RP 2/13 Final Price: 67 cents each
Pillsbury Grands Jr, Biscuits, or Rolls $1.25 Use .30/1 Pillsbury printable Or use .30/2 Kroger eCoupon Or use .40/3 GM 2/13 Final Price: Will vary Valley Fresh Steamers 2/$3.00 Use .50/2 Cellfire eCoupon Use .50/2 Kroger eCoupon Final Price: $1.25 each
Yoplait Yogurt $1.98 .75/2 Kroger eCoupon Or use .50/1 GM 2/13 Final Price: 98 cents!
Totino's Party Pizza 99 cents Use .50/2 Kroger eCoupon Or use $1/5 Totinos printable Or use $1/5 SS 1/30 Final Price: 75-80 cents each
These prices & coupons are for the Albertsons stores in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area. These stores triple coupons up to $0.39 and double coupons up to $0.50. They will double/triple four identical coupons per transaction.
Van de Kamp's Fish Fillets, Portions, or Sticks 19.45-24.6 oz. Buy One Get One FREE
Totinos Pizza 9.8-10.9 oz. $1.00 Use $1/5 Totinos printable Or use .50/2 Totinos printable Or use $1/5 GM 2/13 or SS 2/13 Final price: As low as 50 cents each!
Albertsons Cottage Cheese or Sour Cream 16 oz. $1.00 Limit 2
Ronzoni Healthy Harvest or Smart Taste Pasta 13.25-14.5 oz. 2/$1 Limit 6 Use $1/2 SS 1/23 Or use $1/2 Ronzoni printable coupons (Print 2) Final price: FREE! (Additional purchase is only 59 cents, so save a trip and get more pasta boxes for 9 cents each!)
Dole Fruit Bowls 16-17.2 oz. $2.50 Use .50/1 Dole printable (Print 2) Final price: $1.50!
Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt 6 oz. 4 pk. $2.00 Use $.40/6 SS 1/30 (Buy 3 and use 2 coupons) Final price: $1.60 for each 4 pack!
Kellogg's Cereals 12.2-20 oz. $2.50 Buy 4 and get 2 FREE Cases Niagara Water 24 pk. 16.9 oz. bottles! Use $1/1 Kellogg's printable coupons Or use $1/2 RP 3/6 Or use $1/1 RP 2/6 Final price: $1.50 each and FREE water cases!
Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup 10.75 oz. 2/$1 Limit 6 Use .40/4 Campbells printable coupon Or use .40/4 SS 2/13 Final price: 30 cents each!
Chicken of the Sea Chunk White Tuna 5 oz. 2/$1 Limit 6
Ragu Pasta Sauce 26 oz. $1.00 When you buy 10 and use in-ad coupon
Krusteaz Pancake or Waffle Mix 28-32 oz. $2.49 Use .50/1 SS 1/30 Final price: $1.49
Egglands Best Large Eggs Dozen $2.00 Use .50/1 SS 1/30 Or use .35/1 SS 10/31 Or use .35/1 or .50/1 SS 10/10 Final price: $1.00!
Shedd's Country Crock Spread 45 oz. $2.49 Use .40/1 Country Crock printable Final price: $1.69
Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookies 16-16.5 oz. $2.99 Use $1.50/3 Pillsbury Cookies printable Or use $1/2 GM 2/13 or GM 1/2 Final price: $2.49 each
Produce Deals: Fresh Express Garden Salad 12 oz. $1.00 Fuji Apples $1.00/lb. Fresh Green Cabbage 2 lbs./$1 Large Navel Oranges or Minneola Tangelos $1.00/lb. Large Mangos $1.00 Medium Hass Avocados $1.00 Fresh Lemons 5/$1
Trident Gum 18 ct. 89 cents Use BOGO FREE SS 3/6 Final price: 45 cents each
Huggies Diapers Jumbo Pack $8.99 Use $2/1 Huggies printable (Target coupon, but prints as manufacturers coupon, Thanks, The Coupon Belle!) Or use $2/1 or $2.50/1 SS 2/27 Final price: As low as $6.49
GAP is having a fabulous sale every Wednesday this month! Get 40% off any one item, just print the image above, or better yet- sign up for GAP e-mail updates and get your coupon e-mail messages delivered right into your inbox or your phone!
Tom Thumb doubles coupons of value up to 50 cents and triples coupons of 39 cents or below in value. Tom Thumb allows only one identical type of coupon to be doubled/tripled per transaction. If you have multiple coupons, separate your groceries into separate transactions.
In order to use the in-ad Super coupons, you must spend at least $10 on non-Super coupon items. Your total will need to reach $10 AFTER Club Card Savings and BEFORE manufacturers coupons. A $10 minimum purchase qualifies use of all Super coupons in the ad. Read the official Safeway Coupon Policy for more information.
*Super Price Coupon Deals:
*Red Baron Pizza 14.76-22.63 oz. $2.99 Use in-ad coupon, Limit 3 Also use $1/1 SS 1/23 Final price: $1.99
*Welch's Juice Cocktail 64 oz. $1.77 Use in-ad coupon, Limit 3 Also use $1/1 SS 1/16 Final price: 77 cents!
*Silk Milk Soy or Almond 64 oz. $2.49 Use in-ad coupon, Limit 3 Also use $1/1 Silk printable Or use .75/1 SS 2/6 Final price: $1.49
*Clorox Bleach or Toilet Bowl Cleaner $1.49 Use in-ad coupon, Limit 3 Also use .25/1 Clorox bleach printable (If you have it, no longer available.) Final price: As low as 74 cents
*4-Day Sale Items, starts Friday, March 11:
*Oscar Mayer Buy One Get One FREE Lunchmeats, Bacon or Franks Use $1/1 SS 1/23 Final price: Will vary
*Clementines Oranges 3 lb. $2.99 Use .55/1 SS 2/27 Or use .55/1 Cuties printable (If the clementines are Cuties brand!) Final price: $2.44
Classico Pasta Sauce 15-24 oz. $1.50 Use $1/2 and beef SS 3/6 Final price: Save $1 on beef wyb 2!
Bertolli Pasta Sauce 15-24 oz. $1.50 Use $1.50/2 RP 2/20 Final price: 75 cents each!
Produce Deals: Large Hass Avocados $1.00 Broccoli 88 cents/lb. Gala Apples 99 cents/lb. Champagne or Large Mangos $1.00 Sweet Navel Oranges 99 cents/lb. Large Lemons or Limes 2/$1 Garlic 3/$1
Uncle Ben's Ready or Whole Grain Rice 4.4-8.8 oz. $1.50 Use $1/1 or $1/2 RP 2/20 Final price: As low as 50 cents!
Rosarita Refried Beans 15-16 oz. $1.00 Use .50/3 SS 1/23 Final price: 67 cents each!
Wolf Brand Chili 15 oz. $1.00 Use .60/3 SS 1/23 Final price: 80 cents each
Motts Apple Juice or Ocean Spray Cranberry Drinks 64 oz. $1.67!
Marie Callender's Meals 10-21 oz. $2.00 Use $1/2 Jan. All You Magazine coupon Final price: $1.50 each
The Big Cheese Event: Buy One Get One FREE cheese products! Mix and match, use these coupons: .50/1 SS 3/6 (Sargento) $1/1 SS 2/27 (Kraft Twist or String Cheese) $1/2 SS 2/13 (Kraft Singles) .55/1 SS 2/6 (Philadelphia Minis) $1/1 SS 2/6 (Kraft Deli Fresh) $1/1 Organic Valley cream cheese printable $1/1 Lactaid Cream Cheese printable .55/1 SS 1/9 (Babybel Mini Cheese)
Buddig Deli Thin Sliced Lunchmeat 2 oz. 59 cents
Gorton's Frozen Seafood Buy One Get One FREE Use .50/1 SS 2/13 Or use .50/1 SS 1/16 Or use $1/2 Gortons printable coupon Final price: Will vary
Tostitos Tortilla Chips 9-13 oz. $2.50 Use .55/1 SS 2/27 Final price: $1.95
All Natural Breads Apple Crisp or Oatmeal Crunch Buy One Get One FREE
DanActive Yogurt 4 pk. $1.99 Use $1/1 SS 3/6 Final price: 99 cents!
Tropicana Pure Premium or Trop50 Juices 59 oz. $2.79 Use $1/2 RP 1/2 or RP 3/6 Final price: $2.29 each
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 1.5 qt. $2.49 Buy 4, Save $4 promo Use $1.50/1 Ben & Jerry's eCoupon Final price: 99 cents!
Healthy Choice Meals 8-12.5 oz. $2.50 Use $1/2 Jan. All You magazine coupon Final price: $2.00 each