For my local Dallas ladies: Prepare and Prosper is another blog that you will want to add to your daily reading! The blog is run by Amy, the group leader for Bountiful Baskets in McKinney- so you already know she's a frugal girl! Amy specializes in finding deals for group buying, that way you're sure to find the best deals around.
She's currently working on a ground beef order and I heard there may be another chicken deal that will knock your socks off! They recently ordered some chicken breasts, completely organic, for $1.65/lb. You will need to purchase a 50 lb. box to get the low prices, but these are great options if you have the freezer space. You may also want to consider splitting an order with a friend or neighbor.
By the way, don't forget to sign up for your Bountiful Baskets today for pick-up this Saturday! My Utah friends, there are tons of pick up sites for you! Texas readers, there are 5 pick up locations for us. If you don't see Bountiful Baskets in your area yet, you can start one! Bountiful Baskets is 100% volunteer run, so if you're feeling up to it, start a Bountiful Baskets pick-up location in your area. What a great way to serve others. Read more on starting a pick-up location in your area.
Get a full (laundry size) basket of fresh fruits and vegetables for $15.00! Texas has pick up dates twice a month. I did this for the first time in December and was very happy with the results! I must admit, I did get some items I've never purchased before. These vegetables and fruits gave our family the chance to try new foods in a new way. I need to learn much, much more about how to implement these foods into our menu.
I heard of a great way to implement your new produce items. Just type the ingredient into the 'Ingredients' box at AllRecipes.com and whalaa! a bunch of recipes for that ingredient will pop up. Nice!
Just and FYI about the Chicken. It is now set for January 29th the pick-up site will be announced. The price is set at $1.49 a pound!!!! Make sure you create an account http://www.zayconfoods.com/refer/zf8176
We are also working on getting grass fed ground beef. For around $2.00 a pound,
Thanks, I will, Amy!
Where can I get a listing of the farmers markets that have the $15 baskets of fruits and veggies in the Dallas area?
Just use the link to the Bountiful Baskets site posted here. The Dallas area will pick up this Saturday, so another pick up time won't be for 2 more weeks. Be sure to reserve your basket on Jan.31-Feb. 1 for pick up on Feb. 5.
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