Well, I just couldn't help myself I had to buy the Groupon last week for $50 of Melissa & Doug toys! The great news is... I'm giving it away to a lucky Savvy Sister Shops reader!
The winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Brighter Beginnings, an online toy store. It appears as though they have the FULL line of Melissa & Doug toys! Check out their pretend play toys & puppets. Most items are around $10-$20, so you would be able to get a few toys for Christmas if you win this Savvy Sister Shops giveaway!

1. 'Like' Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook, or tell me if you already do!
2. Follow this blog using Google Friends Connect. Just click the button on the right side of the page.
3. Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail your friends about Savvy Sister Shops. They all want to save money the way you do! Just leave a comment to tell me how you shared.
For EXTRA entries:
Use the 'Suggest This' program on Facebook to invite your friends to 'Like' Savvy Sister Shops, too! You will get 1 extra entry for each friends invited (I believe Facebook set a limit of 12 invitations per day) and 5 extra entries for each friend that accepts your invitation! You can also add the invite to your Facebook feed to get more friends to accept that way. This is the easiest way to rack up more entries for the $50 gift certificate!
I just checked the Suggest This numbers as of this morning, so everyone has an equal chance at this giveaway.
Good luck! The winner of the $50 Brighter Beginnings gift certificate will be announced Friday, Sept. 24 at noon! (CST) Please keep in mind that the winner will need to pay for shipping, but it will be shipping on $50 of FREE toys!
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I have already 'Like'd Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook :)
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I have invited pretty much everyone on my facebook account to "like" savvy sister shops :)
Hey Sweetie! Your kids are super cute. This is your old college roommate saying that I like you on facebook and have clicked the suggest button. You're also on my favorites on my own blog. And not just because I like YOU. What you do is inspiring.
I like you on facebook. Paige Atwood
I follow through google friends connect. Paige Atwood
I've emailed family and posted on private family blogs about savvy sister shops. Paige Atwood
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Robyn G
rrgallowaym23 @ gmail.com
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I like SSS on FB
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I emailed my friends about your awesome site.
Wow- you REALLY have a blog... an awesome one! I am so excited to have you in our ward and now to find out you are a coupon maniac like me... YAHOO!!!!
Oh, and I don't belong to FB- but you can count our Frisco Sister's Unite group as me "telling" everyone about your blog because I created that group originally! :) Even though I found out about your blog from the email posted on the group! :) ha ha
Seriously excited! Gotta go read more posts!! Julie Sivley
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1) I am already a friend with you on facebook :-)
2) I "Suggested This" to about 10 or so local friends on facebook
3) I also emailed some friends about your site and your current giveaway
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I allready like you on facebook! And yesterday when I was in Rite Aid a lady asked me what the heck I was doing and what was that binder I had I told her the jist of couponing and sent her to your blog! If there was a "love" button on facebook, I would LOVE you on facebook! :)
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I share you everyday, but I posted about the giveaway on facebook!
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1. I like you on FB!!
2. I follow your blog :)
3. I have emailed my friends about you!
4. I have been telling all of my girlfriends about you and sending them to your blog :) :] :}
5. I am planning on inviting my 500 friends in FB to like you!!
I "like" you on FB!
Cami Gilham
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I blogged about it.
I follow you with goolge. Hope you are having fun in TEXAS!!
Used your website and techniques in my "Welcome to college: doing it the right way" class, taught to college students regarding how to shop, save and live without their parents caring for everything
We "like" you on Facebook!
Sha Rosa
Also told our friends about your site!
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I have personally told may people about your site!
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'Like' Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook
orangeaugust at yahoo dot com
'Like' Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook
orangeaugust at yahoo dot com
'Like' Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook
orangeaugust at yahoo dot com
'Like' Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook
orangeaugust at yahoo dot com
Follow this blog using Google Friends Connect
I like you on facebook :-)
I like you on facebook
I following using google friend connect!
I don't have a google account but I visit your blog ALL THE TIME
I don't have a google account but I visit your blog ALL THE TIME
posted about your giveawy on FB!!
posted about your giveawy on FB!!
I just twittered about your blog
I have invited pretty much everyone on my facebook account to "like" savvy sister shops :)
I like Savvy Sister Shops on FB
Heather Saving
couponinggirl at gmail dot com
Updated my FB status!
couponinggirl at gmail dot com
I suggested to 8 friends on FB
heather Saving
couponinggirl at gmail dot com
I follow your blog
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Suggested 12 friends!!
I like you on facebook! Rebecca H.
Let me suggest to another 36!!!!
I follow your blog! Rebecca H.
"Like" you on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
Follow you on GFC! (Ashley R)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
I suggested to 8 friends!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
A BIG THANKS to all who entered to win this giveaway! (And for all your kind comments- awesome!) Comments are now closed for this giveaway- I need to go and count the entries.... !
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