If you haven't reached your $50 in Pantene, CoverGirl, Venus, Olay, Herbal Essences products- today would be the PERFECT day to run out with your coupons and get more! It's like getting $20 for FREE (well, almost), because P&G counts the pre-sale promo and pre-coupon prices towards the $50 purchase! YAY!
I didn't think I would qualify for this rebate. (I was a dummy and missed the Dormzy deal by an hour....EST time tripped me up... oops!) After my Kroger run last night, I was feeling more confident about qualifying for this rebate. I just added up my recent receipts and the total of my rebate items is $48.66! I'm just $1.34 short! (After coupons, these items only cost me $6.95 out-of pocket!)
Guess who's going on another Kroger run today (in between baking Mint Brownies for the New Years Eve party tonight...)- yippee, I'm so excited to get the $20 Rebate! You should have seen the happy dance I just did for my family! Happy New Year all!
1 comment:
You're welcome! Yes, I have lost receipts before and always kick myself later! I think I'm going to save every receipt in 2011- you never know when they may come in handy!
Awesome- I'm glad you can cash in on the $20 too!
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