Remember the HOT deal you can get at Staples with the Office Max coupon for any purchase at Payless? Here's what to do next week with your $10/$30 coupon- it's an even bigger moneymaker starting Aug. 15!
Step 1: Go to Office Max and make a small purchase to get a $5/$25 Payless purchase coupon.
Step 2: Go to Payless and buy some cute shoes to use your $5/$25 coupon with. Or skip step one and buy some shoelaces or something inexpensive.
Step 3: Take your Payless receipt to Office Max and they will give you a $10/$30 Office Max purchase coupon.
Step 4: Take the $10/$30 purchase coupon to Staples- they accept competitors coupons!
Buy the following at Staples:
6 Staples 1 subject notebooks $.01 each= $.06
2 Hammermill Copy Plus copy paper $4.99 each= $9.98
2 Sharpie permanent black markers 5 pk. $1.00 each= $2.00
1 Staples Slimline electric pencil sharpener= $15.99
2 Quartet Endura Glide Dry Erase Markers 4 pk. $1.00 each= $2.00
Subtotal: $30.03
Use $10/$30 Office Max coupon
Pay $20.03 + tax
Then submit your rebates for 2 Hammermill paper reams, $4.98 each and the pencil sharpener, $15.99 for a total of $25.95 back.
Final price: All items above for FREE + $5.92 moneymaker! WOW!
Remember that these ad prices at Staples begin Aug. 15- Aug. 21. Let me know if you cash in on this deal, it's a super fun one!
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