Beautiful Photo Books from Pixable are available for an awesome price! Each 8x8, 16- page hardcover photobook is valued at $31 each, but Mamapedia Sweet Deals is offering each book for only $12. Included in this deal is FREE shipping!
Pixable is unique in that you may automatically create professional photo books from your social networking albums, like Facebook! You won't need to upload photos or download software to use Pixable.
To get an even better deal on your photobook, use the code FEB1OFF at checkout and get a $1 off, making your photobook only $11! If you have the $5 Mamapedia credit when signing up, or $10 credits for inviting your friends to view Mamapedia deals, this photobook could be FREE for you!
I need to get more of these made for my family, they are so easy and I'm not much of a "scrapbooker!" (You can probably guess why...)
Enjoy this great deal from Mamapedia!
Thanks so much for posting this! I was able to grab it for free with $3.00 left over for something else! Yeah!
WOW! That's awesome, Cami- way to go!
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