Thursday, June 24

Smith's Coupon Sale in the News

Coupon clipping has been making big news lately with this fun Smith's sale. People that have used coupons for awhile now can tell you that coupon popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. Here are a couple of stories that you will like:

First up, this article
'Bargain lovers in store for a super-value treat' published in the Salt Lake Tribune by Lesley Mitchell. You may know her as One Cheap Chick because she also has a blog that follows all the sweet deals here in Utah. She noticed some timing issues that may or may not be associated with the Smith's sales and WinCo. Hmmm.....

I was honored to be interviewed and tried to explain why these super coupon events are a big deal to hard-working families in this economy. I hope you like it!

Also, my friend Vanessa at
Our Thrifty Ideas Become One, had this link to the opening news story at FOX News. The opening story was about the coupon event at Smith's! WOW! She also noticed how different people prounounce the word, "Coupon." Do you say it the way that they do? Ha!

So, the next time you're out coupon shopping, have some insightful words in mind to share, just in case. You never know when you will be interviewed by newspaper or TV reporters!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Congrats on being in the paper! That's awesome!