The Smartsource insert in tomorrow's paper (12/5) has another $1/1 Krusteaz Cookie Mix coupon in it! Use it to get FREE Krusteaz Cookie Mix at Kroger/Smith's/Kroger affiliated stores. This week's sale has them priced at just 99 cents!
Dallas residents: Do you get the "Briefing" delivered? If not, call the Dallas Morning News- it's FREE! You will get this smaller newspaper delivered Wed.-Sat. and Saturday's paper has the coupon inserts inside! (Today's Briefing also had a coupon inside for $1 off the Sunday paper.)
The Dallas Morning News is also running a promotional for 50% off Sunday papers at $8.48 each/month. This is a better price than buying the paper at the store in the 2/$5 packs. I called the DMN about this offer and you can order up to 10 copies of the Sunday paper with this offer. Their number is 877-339-8186 if you'd like to take advantage of this discounted home delivery option.
I've noticed that the local Frisco and McKinney papers are only 50 cents or $1 at local stores, but they do not carry the Red Plum coupon inserts.
Of course, there is also the option to ask your neighbors and friends for their coupon inserts. I would rather encourage them to use their coupons themselves, however, and build up their short-term food storage supply!
1 comment:
You're right, Hillary! The paper is here is MUCH more than I was used to paying. I was so disappointed when I first moved here and called the paper- they said they would deliver 5 papers to me each week for around $75/month! Yikes.
So, I just started buying the paper at the store for $2.50 each, they sell them in 2 packs for $5.
Lately, I have been getting two Sunday papers FREE each week, the papers here deliver samples for FREE each weekend. So I do get 2 SS and 1 RP for FREE each week. I'm going to supplement that with 2 more papers each week at the $8.48/month price. That's about as good as I can do- that's not too bad, right? About $17/month for 4 SS and 3 RP's?
I'm hoping that the newspapers will wake up and get really competitive with offering coupons in the papers, like they do in Utah- the prices on papers there are the absolute best.
Anyhow, any way you slice it, getting the Sunday papers ALWAYS more then pays for itself with the deals you pick up in stores. I know you already understand that! I LOVE printables also, but newspaper coupons rock and I'll always pay to get them! :)
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