Stocking Stuffer #1: Softlips
First up is the Softlips line of Winter Lip Protectant and Sunscreen. I always feel better about having a lip product on that has sunscreen in it. Softlips products are all SPF 20! The Softlips line of winter "flavors" are Sugar & Spice, Winter Mint, Sugar Cookie, Sugar Plum Berry and Mint with a hint of Vanilla.
You can see why these would be the perfect stocking stuffer! My daughters and I love the smells of these Softlips lip products- it's definitely hard to choose a favorite!
During the winter season, the Holidays 5-Pack is available exclusively in the new Softlips online store for $9.99 with FREE shipping through Dec. 10. But... one of you will receive it FREE if you win this fun giveaway!
Want to drop a hint for somebody to buy you some Softlips this holiday season? Visit the Softlips Facebook page and click on the “WISH LIST” tab and share your list with your Facebook friends (or your husband?)!

Stocking Stuffer #2: Scunci
Next up are these awesome Scunci Hair products. The Scunci 'No Slip Grip' elastics and the Scunci 'Upzing!' Of course, my daughters were thrilled to use these and so was I. It's impossible to get your hair tangled in the No Slip Grip elastics. They are soft and easy to use!
The Upzing was a brand new product to me, at first glance it looks intimidating. The instructions on the inside of the package are easy to follow, however, and it's another fun product to use.

I was excited to find this "how-to" video that shows how easy it is to use. It very versatile and makes for a very nice up-do or an adorable ponytail! That's how it looked on my daughter, anyway! She got a lot of compliments at school the day she wore it.
Stocking Stuffer #3: Conair brushes
The third and final stocking stuffer of this Christmas giveaway are these high-end Conair brushes. What girl doesn't need a new brush?

The Conair Tourmaline Ceramic brush is another high-end items meant to straighten and add shine to your hair. Tourmaline is actually a gemstone that naturally releases negative ions. It is crushed into a fine powder and infused into the nylon bristles and ceramic barrels of these brushes. The ions tighten the cuticle layer and seal in natural oils, reducing static electricity, leaving hair shiny and silky. The ceramic coating on the brush evenly distributes and holds heat longer, so hair dries faster. Wow- you learn something new everyday!

I love the soft Gel Grips made by Conair. These all come with a soft gel handle that conforms to the shape of your hand. Each brush has a retail value of $7.99, but for you it may be FREE!
Here's how to win one (or all three) of these stocking stuffers for your holiday:
1. Leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address (spell it out if you wish!) and your 1st choice for the stocking stuffer package: Scunci, Conair, or Softlips.
For extra entries:
2. 'Like' Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook.
3. Follow TheSavvySister on Twitter.
4. Follow this blog through Google Friends Connect. Just click the "Follow" button on the right side of this page!
Please leave a separate comment for entries #1-4 on this post.
For even more entries:
5. Invite your friends to "Like" Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook through 'Suggest This.' I will be able to see how many invitations are sent. Facebook has a cap of 8-12 invites that may be sent each day. Write yourself a little note as a reminder to invite friends each day or put the invite in your Facebook feed. Each invite sent and each friend that accepts the invitation (starting today)counts as another entry! This entry will greatly increase your chances to win 1, 2, or all 3 of the stocking stuffer packages.
The winner(s) will be chosen by www.random.org on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. CST.Disclosure: I received one of each of these products from Robin Leedy & Associates. I received no other compensation.
totally want the softlips.
follow on facebook
I would love to win the softlips. Love that chapstick!
follow with google friends connect.
I follow you on facebook
I follow you through google friends connect
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facebook liker!
would love the softlips giveaway, or any of them for that matter!
Follow on facebook
Follow through Google Friends Connect.
so hard to choose with all those girls at my house, but softlips it is. thanks.
I follow on FB and the blog!!!
Count me in!
I'm a fan on Fb
I follow too!
SOFTLIPS is the BEST. cedar_of_lebanon(at)yahoo(dot)com
I like you on FB!!
I would love the softlips!
katrinasouthwick at gmail dot com
like savvy sisters on fb
katrinasouthwick at gmail dot com
I'd love the Soft Lips! Thanks!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Twitter! @natdey
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
love them all but first would be conair brushes. thanks.
I'd have to say that I'd want the softlips first, I LOVE them!
I would love this one:
Stocking Stuffer #3: Conair brushes
I also follow you on twitter (senzafiato) thats where I actually read about this 1st.
I also like you on facebook: jillene gentile
I like you on facebook.
I follow you on twitter...kristinnicole77
I follow you through google friends.
Conair! lauwil07 at gmail dot com.
I follow you on facebook! lauwil07 at gmail dot com.
I would love the chapsticks. We go through them like candy. It would be fun....thanks for all you do! thekn@msn.com
I follow you on facebook.
conair brushes are my choice.
mjknud at gmail dot com
love the soft lips
I am a FB fan!
I would like the Scunci (first choice), soft lips second. elisgranados@gmail.com
I'm a blog follower!
I allready "like" you on facebook, but... can I like you again? I will!
And I allready follow your blog religiously! Also, I would follow you on twitter, but I don't have a cell or a twitter account.
I would love the soft lips please! tawna21(@)hotmail(DOT)com
I would love the softlips!
I like you on facebook :)
I follow your blog
I would like any of these packages but I think the soft lips would be a great stocking stuffer for my daughter she loves any chapstick.
I like savvy sisters on facebook
I follow savvy sister shops on twitter
I follow through google friend connect too
I like Savvy Sister on Facebook!
I have super short hair, so the other things wouldn't be used.
Thanks for the fun give away!
mpierce0602 AT msn DOT com
My first choice would be the soft lips!
rrgallowaym23 @ gmail.com
Fan on FB!
rrgallowaym23 @ gmail.com
My first choice would be the Conair brushes, then the Scunci. hpearson7@gmaildotcom. Thanks!
I'm a fan on Facebook.
I follow you on Friend Connect. hpearson7@gmaildotcom
Thanks again!
Conair please!!!
I most certainly 'Like' Savvy Sister Shops on Facebook.
Yep, I follow this blog through Google Friends Connect. :)
I've invited so many people to like savvy sisters on facebook :) ooohhyea!
chellelee7 {at} gmail {dot} com
I like SSS on FB
chellelee7 {at} gmail {dot} com
I forgot to put which one I'd like in my first comment so disregard. I'd choose Conair.
chellelee7 {at} gmail {dot} com
I like you on Facebook :)
I would love to win softlips.
i like you on facebook.
Conair -
Scunci for me-thanks for the giveaway
like u on fb-Julie S Laws :)
Oh I want the scunci! kathyandbrett at hotmail dot com
wixomc@ yahoo
I want the conair
I like you Savvy sister on FB
Follow your blog
I would LOVE the conair!
Amanda T
I like you on fb!
I follow you on GFC
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