Monday, March 8

Get more Target coupons and special offers

I've had some questions about how to get Target coupon booklets sent to your mailbox. I e-mailed Target and received the following e-mail. I think it is very helpful.

Dear Heather,
Thanks for asking about receiving coupon booklets for your friends from Target. At Target, we use a variety of methods for determining mailing lists.

Here are a couple of easy things they can do to receive special offers from Target:
Visit and sign up for exclusive e-mail offers and news
Apply for a REDCARD to receive special bill inserts or direct mail

We appreciate hearing about ways you're looking to save even more at Target.

Target Guest Relations
(800) 440-0680

There you go! Sign up for their e-mail updates on the Target website on the bottom left hand side of the page. I hope you all get awesome Target store coupons!


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